The Moss Hunter Story

“The Moss Hunter story starts with a humble adventure into the wet urban jungle of Seattle.”

The story of how Moss Hunters became to be is whilst having an impromptu terrarium building session we ran out of moss. Oh no! what is a terrarium without moss? It being the dark and late hours of a cool winter day in Seattle, Washington decided we had to get more moss. So we armed ourselves with a power bank flashlight, a good pair of shoes and a sense of adventure, trekked out into the damp and cold urban jungle of the Seattle neighborhoods. To deter any notions from our neighbors that we were staking out houses to rob we decided to chant and sing our newly titled theme song “Moss Hunters” to the tune of something between Ghost Busters and Transformers. Unsure if this helped us look harmless or crazy we decided on an even crazier idea to start a business by the same name!

From this story our goal became to inspire those to become fellow Moss Hunters and join us in designing, building, or purchasing a terrarium or aquascape. We hope to provide a service that brings the adventure of seeing nature both urban and rural to a countertop, desk, office, living room, or bedroom near you. We seek out fellow Moss Hunters to join us in celebrating nature in their everyday life and guide those on a path to serenity and joy within their homes.

Thank you and we hope to inspire all Moss Hunters.